UX Case Study : Stock Themes in Discovery page Ajaib App
Basic Information
Stock themes is a feature that groups stocks based on easy understandable themes, which are different from the industry sector. Examples of categorization can be 100 most popular stocks, technology companies, sustainable companies, etc. The category is meant to help users discover stocks more easily based on their preferences or values.
- Problem Statement: Users have sought guidance on the app for choosing stocks to invest in. Although the categories are straightforward, users need reference based on what they are exposed to in their daily lives and they can easily understand.
- Create the product’s point of difference in marketing communication effort.
- Increase users’ awareness to stocks that appeal to them.
- Increase conversion rate of user’s first deposits.
solution & design process
Current App User Flow
I’m using user flow to identify user behavior when using the discovery page.
Where did I begin? 🕵🏻♀️
My first step is to read the information carefully. And considering the time limit, I decide only to focus on some qualitative research to find a few problems given the time crunch.
Ajaib Group is targeting millennial users for their products, so the sample population in this study had to be between 24–39 years old and are first-time investors (or enthusiastic about investing).
I spoke to a couple of friends and family and noticed their actions while using the app. I also observed my behavior on Ajaib on the discover page.
A glimpse into my 🧠
What is the foremost goal of the Discover Page in Ajaib App?
Looking for reference to stocks that appeal to them.
How well does the app help users achieve this goal?
Efficiently, which is why Ajaib has an easy flow that makes it accepted by novice users. But many distractions make me need time to back to my goals on this page.
Observe the actions taken by the user to find a stock they have observed before.
- Open Ajaib App
- Tap Discover Page
- Using the search field, types the name of the company or Stock Code.
- Tap on the stock in search results
- Start doing stock analysis and press buy
Observe the actions taken by the user that looking for a stock reference that maybe appeal to them.
- Open Ajaib App
- Tap Discover Page
- Using the stock sector section, to look at the sector that they are familiar with or interested in.
- Try to compare stock in stock list majority is comparing stock price.
- Tap on the stock in the stock list.
- Start doing stock analysis and press buy.
In-depth Interview (Qualitative)
In this phase I try to go out and ask the right questions. Start asking simple, clear and open-ended questions to find out more information about their behavior, their views on the product and to the core problems they face in their daily lives.
Insight directly from participants:
- Many unfamiliar words in the investment terms.
- Don’t have time to understand about stock, so want to quickly invest by follow top investor portfolio.
- Hard to recognize end-products from the issuer (publicly listed company).
- Assume that stock investment requires millions of rupiah (around USD $100) for one transaction.
- Halal and Haram is a concern
- Stock Sector section as a selling point
- Search and filter(category) stocks is very helpfull
- Keep it simple — the current app was reported by users to have featuritis
I identified 3 problem areas Based on User Feedback 🧐
- Users need reference based on what they are exposed to in their daily lives and they can easily understand.
- Users need tools for comparing stock on the app to help them choosing stocks to invest in.
- Sort by is placed out of reach despite being the most frequently used action.
All the information from the research is now converted into Persona, a useful design tool to reflect the targeted user in the interview session.
Start generating ideas and solutions. Based on the research results, we have sharpened the core problem and are ready to come up with solutions.
Proposed solution is to group the stocks list into a theme. Stock theme is a feature that easily understandable groups stocks based on what users are exposed to in their daily lives and they can easily understand. And make a compare features to comparing stock. That will help users discover and choose their preferred stock.
Action Priority Matrix
Before moving on to the crafting phase I try to generate features solutions for all the problems that I got from research before. And use Action Priority Matrix to prioritize features that I must serve first.
Business Goals
Include to make outcome is richer and not bias
- Increase users’ awareness of stocks that appeal to them.
- Encourage users to make simple stock choices to invest in.
- Educate and inform users about terms in investing.
- Increase the conversion rate of the user’s first deposits.
Through this process so I decide to designing as my main focus :
- Stock Themes
- End Product Label
- Stock Compare
- Search and Sort By in stock list
🧪 Time to Designing some solutions!
I quickly explored a few ideas on paper and then moved to digital wireframes. Here are some of the iterations I went through for the Discover Page. The opportunity explored here is “pinning favorite people” as a quicker method to find friends and family I talk to often.
Stock Themes
In the current design is too many features or section that potentially distract the user from their main goals on this page. So I decided to simplify this page by eliminating or merging sections that are rarely used and potentially distract users from their main goals.
The solution is Stock Themes that easily understandable groups stocks based on what users are exposed to in their daily lives and they can easily understand. That will help encourage first time investors to use this feature to find their first stock.
The “follow button” makes users enable to follow a theme, which makes them always updated with the themes that match their preferences.
Stock List
At the before screen List is just containing the stock list without any other option that users can do to specify their search. So in the new design, I add search, sort by, and compare features in the stock list page. And I make Stock Sector as one of the themes.
Stock Sort By
Users can only access Sort By via “Berdasarkan Kategori” section. While I make it avaiable in every stock list page. Sort By Categories Sort will help users to filter stocks more specifically according to their needs.
Stock Compare
Is new features that I decided to add. Users can compare until 3 stock information that would help them analyze and choose the right stock for them.
Figma Link : https://www.figma.com/file/Ebre1hsNgNvoTFgq5xHGbw/Ajaib
From this challenge I learn a lot, in the design it is crucial to understand the users’ point of view, but the good design doesn’t only speak users’ language yet meet the business goals as well, whilst the best product is about balancing users’ needs with business goals and meets technical feasibility.
If I have more time one thing that I really want to do is validate this design to the real users using the Usability Test, to get feedback. So I can fix the design and improve the product quality. That way we as designers will also grow better.
I believe there is no perfect design, the spirit to continue to improve is what makes the design develop, so I spare room for feedback and improvement. Let’s discuss and talk about this design improvement, I’m very open to any form of discussion or feedback about my design 🔥🔥🔥.
Best Regrad,
Zuhad Achmad Fachrian